About Us

Christy (Owner)

Christy has always loved animals, but only had cats until she rescued the most amazing 12 year old Pomeranian several years ago. After working for years in sales and marketing, Christy wanted to go out on her own and focus on helping dogs and cats. She found a need in pet nail care and went on a mission to learn how to shorten and smooth nails.

Christy learned how to work with dogs on the floor without putting them on a grooming table and without restraints. And she learned all the different canine personalities, temperaments, as well how to help dogs overcome their fear and anxiety related to nail trimming. She handles even the hardest and most fearful dogs that groomers and vets are unable to do.

Stephanie (Pet Nail Tech)

Stephanie has been working with animas since she was 17 and has been trimming nails professionally for over 6 years, and completed our 2 month training program. She has a young daughter and on her days off she likes being outdoor with her and her dog Lemonade.